This program, (tet), can extract single lines, blocks of lines, and sentences
from hundreds of selected text files based on keyword (or regex) searches.
Choose Files - opens a dialog to select files from your computer.
Note: files with extensions other than .txt .text .csv will be skipped.
Mouse-over to see file names if more than one are selected.
KEYWORD - you may use "regex". Google "js regex" to learn more. Examples of searches:
port finds "port", "report", "portobello", etc
\bport finds "port" and "portobello" but ignores "report"?
\bport\b finds "port" but ignores "report" and "portobello"
\s* \s+ \d* \d+ are regex expressions for, respectively, zero-or-more-spaces, one-or-more-spaces,
zero-or-more-numbers and one-or-more-numbers. So, table\s+\d+ finds "table 1", "table 12", etc,
but not "table1" or "table below". Alternatively, table\s*\d+ finds "table1",
"table 1", table10, etc.
Aa - makes the search case sensitive
ln#s - check to see the extracted line numbers; however, when extracting sentences,
numbers are only approximate - the actual line numbers could be higher.
line works like grep; outputs all lines containing the keyword.
↥lines↧ outputs additional lines before and/or after the line with the keyword.
sentence finds the line with the keyword and extends it both ways until it finds a period.
Everything outside the found periods is deleted.
The "GO" buttons >FILES and >TEXT start the program looking respectively through either the chosen files
or through whatever text you may have in the TEXT area.
upload 1st file you may use this button to upload a chosen file.
If you chose multiple files, only the first one of the list is uploaded.
show ln#s / remove ln#s toggle between showing line numbers and removing them.
word wrap / wrap off toggle between wrapping or not wrapping lines of text.
The search results will appear in the OUTPUT text area, each time replacing the previous results
download saves the resuts to the named text file.
word wrap / wrap off toggle between wrapping or not wrapping lines of text.
to TEXT transfers the contents of RESULTS to TEXT. This is useful for nesting searches.